Table of contents
Involvement with Government Vehicles in Traffic Accidents: Settle or Report?Involvement with Government Vehicles in Traffic Accidents: Third-Party Insurance ExemptionInvolvement with Government Vehicles in Traffic Accidents: Claim ProcessInvolvement with Government Vehicles in Traffic Accidents | Vehicle Repair CostsDamaging Government Property | Compensation ReferenceFrequently Asked Questions

What To Do: Traffic Accidents Involving Government Vehicles or Property

Traffic accidents are unpredictable. In the unfortunate event of damaging government property, such as street lights, road signs, or barriers, you will need to pay for the damages. If your accident involves a government vehicle (AM car), a police car, a fire truck, or an ambulance, are there different procedures to follow compared to regular traffic accidents? Kwiksure shares the steps and considerations for handling accidents involving government property or vehicles.

Involvement with Government Vehicles in Traffic Accidents: Settle or Report?

You may settle the matter privately for typical minor traffic accidents involving no third parties. However, according to the Guidelines on Handling Traffic Accidents,  if government property or vehicles are involved, you must report the accident to the police immediately, and under no circumstances should this be delayed beyond 24 hours after the accident.

Involvement with Government Vehicles in Traffic Accidents: Third-Party Insurance Exemption


Under the "obligation on users of motor vehicles to be insured against third party risks," anyone using a vehicle on the road must have valid third-party insurance. However, government vehicles are exempt from this requirement. Although government vehicles are exempted from necessitating third-party insurance, if they are involved in an accident while performing their duties, the government will provide appropriate compensation according to the circumstances.

Emergency vehicles, such as police, fire, and ambulance vehicles, are permitted by law to pass red lights with sirens. However, they must ensure traffic safety, and if an accident occurs due to passing a red light, the government officer is still proven liable. Notably, if you do not yield to an emergency vehicle with flashing lights and sirens, you could be fined HK $2,000.

Involvement with Government Vehicles in Traffic Accidents: Claim Process

Suppose you are involved in an accident with a government vehicle, you must not settle privately but report the accident to the police and wait for a court summon to determine liability. If the court rules that the government vehicle's driver is liable, you can seek compensation from the government. The process is similar to other traffic accident claims and may involve hiring a lawyer to pursue the claim. However, if the court rules that you are responsible, the government may also seek to recover their loss from you.

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Involvement with Government Vehicles in Traffic Accidents | Vehicle Repair Costs

If you intend to claim vehicle repair costs from the government, you should have the vehicle inspected by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) before repairs. This is akin to a notarization process. Failure to do so may lead to difficulties in claiming compensation later, as the government may question the condition of your vehicle and repair costs. Please note that inspection does not imply that the government accepts liability.

Damaging Government Property | Compensation Reference


Upon damaging any government property (such as street lights, barriers, or road signs) in a traffic accident, you must report the incident immediately and wait for the police investigation or court judgment. The government will then send you a bill outlining the compensation costs for the damaged property.

It’s advisable to take photos of the accident scene from different angles and the damage to government property to avoid disputes later. Additionally, if unclear road signs or traffic lights contributed to the accident, drivers can also file a claim for compensation from the government.

Government Property Reference Costs (in Hong Kong Dollars)


Approximately $400 per meter

Road Sign

Approximately $500 each

Safety Island Light Box

Approximately $1,000 each

Fire Hydrant

Approximately $8,000 to $9,000 each

Crash/Accordion-style Barrier

Approximately $90,000 each

Parking Meter

Approximately $310 to $1,400 each

Traffic Lights

Approximately $15,000 per set

Large Street Light Post

Approximately $18,000 to $30,000 per set

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Frequently Asked Questions

What should you do if you hit a government vehicle?

If the accident involves any government property or vehicles, you must not settle the matter privately. According to the police’s Guidelines on Handling Traffic Accidents, you must report the accident immediately.

How do you compensate for damaging government property?

Upon damaging any government property (such as street lights, barriers, or road signs) in a traffic accident, you must report the incident immediately. Wait for the police investigation or court ruling, and the government will send a bill for the compensation costs for the damaged property.


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Kwiksure is a licensed motor insurance brokerage company with over 20 years of experience in insurance. The company strives to simplify insurance and select the best insurance plans for customers that fit their budget and coverage needs.

Kwiksure provides a range of insurance products, including car insurance, motorcycle insurance, cross-border insurance between Hong Kong and Mainland China, home insurance, travel insurance, domestic helper insurance, and voluntary medical insurance. The team has been named "Best Car Insurance Broker" and "Outstanding Leadership Award" by various media outlets over the years.
