Table of contents
1. The safest motorcycle sizes2. The most secure engines3. The top ergonomic designs4. The savvy safety features5. The least maintenance requirementsGetting your motorcycle insured
5 tips for choosing the safest motorcycle

5 tips for beginners to choose the right motorcycle

If you’re a new motorcycle driver, choosing the safest motorcycle to drive should be the first thing on your to-do list. Motorcycle accidents often occur due to a poor choice of motorcycle purchases made by drivers around Hong Kong. To avoid these accidents, it’s important that you buy the safest motorcycle possible. 

In this Kwiksure article, we’ll take you through 5 easy tips for choosing the right motorcycle that will allow you to protect yourself while also saving some money!

1. The safest motorcycle sizes

There is, quite literally, no “one size fits all” when choosing the safest motorcycle size. That’s because we’re all physically different, and different motorcycle sizes will be more suitable for each and every one of us. But, there’s a general rule of thumb you should know, and it goes like this: 

“You should be able to at least touch the ground with one foot while your bicycle is at a stop” 

This ensures that you’ll be able to push all levers with your feet while also being able to comfortably stand when you’re parking, getting on the motorcycle, and during redlight stops. You should also choose a motorcycle size that allows you to reach all hand controls easily. Usually, this isn’t an issue, but there are motorcycle models out there that require you to significantly loosen your grip on the handlebars to reach the hand brake levers. 

2. The most secure engines

The size of the motorcycle engine you choose should correlate with your skill level. If you’ve only started riding motorcycles for a few weeks, then it’s always safer to go for smaller engines. This is because smaller engines often have slower acceleration speeds, making them easier to control in real traffic situations. 

On the other hand, if you’re a highly-skilled rider, then there’s nothing wrong with opting for a larger, more powerful engine. Not only will these larger engines give you more satisfaction when cruising down an empty lane, but their fast acceleration speed will also allow you to get out of emergency traffic situations when necessary. 

3. The top ergonomic designs

There have been various innovations in motorcycle designs over the years, each aimed at different types of drivers. Let’s go through a few of these designs here: 

  • Standard: The name of this design is pretty much self-explanatory. The seats are standard, neither forward or backward-leaning. They usually have limited storage space available, but the simple design allows you to sit up straight or lean forward with ease while riding. 
  • Sport: Sports designs favor speed. There’s usually some distance between the seats and handlebars to make the aerodynamic, forward-leaning stance more comfortable. These motorcycles are usually meant for more experienced drivers and are best for driving shorter distances. 
  • Touring: These are basically the opposite of sports designs. Touring bikes are meant for long-distance driving. They usually offer a lot of storage space along with seat designs that allow you to sit up straight, letting you drive for hours on end without severely straining your bum, back, and shoulders. Touring bikes also usually come with extra safety features, such as protective screens and large rearview mirrors. 

There are plenty of other motorcycle designs out there, and choosing the safest design will depend on your riding habits. If you’re a new driver in the city who’s had enough of boring-looking scooters, then standard bikes might a good fit for you. On the other hand, if you’re a regular cross-country driver, then touring bikes are the ones for you!

Continue reading: A beginner's guide to types of motorcycles

4. The savvy safety features

New motorcycles are equipped with the latest safety innovations. Make sure you look out for these features when choosing the safest motorcycle to buy: 

  • Stability control: Stability control systems automatically apply the appropriate amount of power or braking to prevent accidents occurring when you’re approaching a major turn on the road. 
  • Anti-lock brakes: Anti-lock brakes prevent your wheels from locking up in an event of a sudden brake, giving you more control over your vehicle.
  • LED lighting: LED lights increase your visibility while also giving you a clear view of the road. Also, they make you the coolest motorcycle driver by miles! 
  • Diagnostics: Many motorcycle accidents occur when systems like brakes fail without the driver noticing. Diagnostics systems will automatically monitor your motorcycle to make sure that all brakes, suspensions, and other systems are working as they should. 

5. The least maintenance requirements

Every vehicle needs maintenance, and sticking to the maintenance schedule of your vehicle is the key to avoiding road accidents and unnecessary vehicle breakdowns. However, not all motorcycles are created equal in this regard. Some need more maintenance work than others. The catch is, there’s always a risk of maintenance error when it comes to your bike. 

For this reason, choose a motorcycle with a relatively short list of maintenance requirements. This will minimize your risk of system failures while you’re on the road. If you’re buying a second-hand motorcycle, make sure you check its maintenance records and carefully inspect the crucial parts, such as wheels, brakes, and suspensions. 

Continue reading: How to choose the right motorcycle helmet

Continue reading: Money-saving tips for motorcycle riders in Hong Kong

Getting your motorcycle insured

Securing motorcycle insurance is another crucial part of staying safe on the road. They can potentially save you a lot of money on repairs and accident compensations. To find out more about motorcycle insurance in Hong Kong, you can read our guide on What every rider should know about motorcycle insurance or contact our experts at Kwiksure at any time. 

As motor insurance experts in Hong Kong, we are able to help you find cheap motorcycle insurance without any additional charges. To get a free price comparison quote, feel free to visit our website today!

Kwiksure provides coverage for full-licensed motorcycles, learner's permits, probationary licenses, delivery motorcycles, and scooters, with premiums as low as $888! Get a quote now!


Contact Kwiksure to get motor insurance quotes

Kwiksure has over 20 years of experience in the car insurance industry, comparing quotes from over 60 insurers in Hong Kong. Use our online quotation tool now to get a free car insurance quote!

The above information is for reference only. Kwiksure takes no responsibility for the accuracy and timeliness of the information. For the coverage, mode of compensation, benefit limit and premium levels of any specific insurance plan, please refer to the relevant policy terms.
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Author Kwiksure Team

Kwiksure is a licensed motor insurance brokerage company with over 20 years of experience in insurance. The company strives to simplify insurance and select the best insurance plans for customers that fit their budget and coverage needs.

Kwiksure provides a range of insurance products, including car insurance, motorcycle insurance, cross-border insurance between Hong Kong and Mainland China, home insurance, travel insurance, domestic helper insurance, and voluntary medical insurance. The team has been named "Best Car Insurance Broker" and "Outstanding Leadership Award" by various media outlets over the years.
