Between conventional and spiral roundabouts: How do…
There are currently two types of roundabouts in Hong Kong. We call them conventional roundabouts ...
Should you buy a new or used car + things to be careful…
It is hard to own a home in Hong Kong. So if you want some personal space, buying a car may be an...
There's more to car insurance than comprehensive and…
As one of the top car insurance brokers in Hong Kong, Kwiksure always works to simplify different...
Top 8 most common mistakes on a road test
Hong Kong's road test is notoriously difficult to pass in one go. As a result, getting your proba...
Learning to drive and getting your license in 2024
With the Continuing Education Fund (CEF) now covering driving courses offered by driving schools,...
What exactly is third party motor insurance?
Every car owner in Hong Kong, and in the world in that matter, must have third party motor insura...
Top 7 bad driving habits
Bad driving habits can result in wide-ranging consequences. Irreparable damage to your favorite c...
Top cars for P plate new drivers in 2020
The thought of buying a new car can be an exciting yet daunting experience for any licensed drive...